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Collins School Life

The history of Collins, Iowa

1882 - 1983


A lot happens in a little town over 101 years


Here are some 1,000 pages of stories, newspaper articles, events and photos from over a century of life in Collins, Iowa, a wonderful small farm town in central Iowa. 
These were lovingly gathered and compiled over a decade of work and dedication by Collins Alumni, family and friends...the people who lived this history and these stories.


We're thrilled to announce that the Iowa Historical Society has included official copies of
Collins School Life in their library and research center!


Collins School Cornerstone and Bell

Built in 1921 this building was razed in the mid 1990's



The faces and places of Collins, Iowa. 


Special thanks to family members and descendants of those shown for sharing their personal pictures and memories.

1909 Collins School House

Built in 1909, this picture was taken sometime between 1917 to 1919.

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Baseball 1918.jpg
1918 Baseball Team

Pictured:  Back Row Left to Right: Donald Titus (1919) 3B, Lowell Oswalt (1921) OF-P, Lee Cooper OF, Lowell Carver (1922) 2B.


Second Row: Harry Stier (SS), Vern Holland (1920) OF, Dwight Patterson 1B.


Front Row: Henry Duesbury (1920) P-C-OF, Tom King, C-OF.

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Baseball Stairs 1920.jpg
1920 Baseball Team

PicturedFront Row left to right: Leonard Clement, 2B, Lowell Carver (22) C, Lowell Oswalt (21) P-OF, Jerry King, OF.


Second Row: Floyd (Speck) Atwood (22) OF, Harold Gearhart (24) 1B, George Gingles (23) 3B-P, Harold (Curly) Carver (24) OF.


Back Row: Ronald Richardson (22) OF, Wayne Heintz (24) SS, Paul Shearer OF, Ralph Hattery (24) OF.

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SchoolBus_Horse 1922.jpg
1922 Horse-drawn School Bus

Pictured from Left to Right: Dave Ozmun (26), Iona (Crabb) Stratton (23), Catherine (Ozmun) McNamara (23), Ila (Crabb) (Atwood) Buck (22), Doris (Morrison) Duesbury (22), Leola (Toots) Stratton (22), Alma Stratton (29), Gertrude Smith (29) (behind Alma Stratton), Velda Smith (29), Lela Stratton (33), Ila Stratton (27) (behind Lela Stratton), Dela (Crabb) Remick (27), Esther (Ozman) Taylor (27), Forrest (Crabb) Halterman (27) Orville Smith, Tom Jones (Driver). Two young boys in front of bus driver are Kenneth Smith and Lester Smith. Behind them is Bill Vasey (32). Boys not wearing caps to the right of the bus driver are Jeff Morrison (back) and John Crabb (32). 

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Baseball State Champions 1924.jpg
1924 State Baseball Champions

Pictured from Left to Right: Coach (Supt.) Hollingsworth, Wayne Heintz (24) P, Lowell Halterman (27) 2B, Howard Stier 3B, Dave Ozmun (26) sub-P, Harold “Curley” Carver (24) C, Curt Marsh (25) SS, Harold Gearhart (24) 1B, Vern Halterman (26) LF, George Marsh (24) CF” Lowell “Buzz” Atwood (25) RF, Franklin Richardson (25) sub-OF, Harold Harper sub-OF. 

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Basketball 1925.jpg
1925 Basketball

Pictured from Left to Right: Coach Carter, Virgil Sheckles (28), Gerald Chambers (26), David Ozmun (26),  Everett Halterman (26), Harry Higgenbottom, Walter Keagle (28), Lowell Halterman (27), Linn Mills (27).

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1930 School Bus

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Basketball 1937.jpg
1937 Basketball

Pictured:  Back Row Left to Right: Vernon Shonk (39), Bill Robinson (38), Dick Holland (40), Keith Shearer (39, Bill Oswald (38)


Front Row: Wilford Neale (38), Lowell Carver (39), Jim Kimberley (40), Donald Deal (40),

Uncertain, Chase Westcott (41).

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This collection of events and articles was gathered and edited from original stories found at the Collins City Hall, Collins City Library and Nevada Town Library. Special thanks to everyone there for your help.


These have been divided into 9 Eras to make it easier to explore the 1,000 pages (nearly 500,000 words) gathered and edited from over 100 years. 

Part I Era

1882 – 1922

CLICK HERE to download

Part IV Era

1935 – 1941

CLICK HERE to download

Part VII Era

1952 – 1956

CLICK HERE to download

Part II Era

1922 – 1929

CLICK HERE to download

Part V Era

1941 – 1948

CLICK HERE to download

Part VIII Era

1956 – 1970

CLICK HERE to download

Part III Era

1929 – 1935

CLICK HERE to download

Part VI Era

1948 – 1952

CLICK HERE to download

Part IX Era

1970 – 1983

CLICK HERE to download



Thanks for visiting.  We look forward to your comments, questions and suggestions.  And we always welcome new stories and materials.


Also, please let us know if we can help connect you with any alumni.

Thanks for contacting us!

© 2019 Collins School Life

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